How to build Backlite Whiteboard


Hello Everyone, my name is Amey and you are watching my channel “A builds”. Today I am back with another project this time it’s a Backlite White board made out of old broken LCD display

So, Let’s Make it…………!!!!!!


I have OLD Samsung monitor lying around which is not in working condition, so I decide to convert it into Backlite White board.

I start dissembling it. LCD panel has transparent acrylic, backlight layer of diffuser, polarize panel, Optical film and LCD module panel.

We only need transparent acrylic and some 12-v led strip for making this project

It’s a LCD panel so it having CFL light, which required inverter for turning ON, so I am replacing it with White LED Strip, it is cheap and easy to operate

So, all we need a 12-v power supply and white led strip.


I design this structure....

Complete Build


OLD Monitor 

12v Led strip 

12v power supply


For Build video check my You tube channel

And Subscribe to my channel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
